The miraculous and triumphant story of Saroo Brierley, a young man who took a train ride and got lost in the city and was adopted. The incredible journey from India to Australia and back again is captured in a book .A Long Way Home: A Memoir available in Amazon. His story is now the subject of the new film Lion, starring Dev Patel as Brierley and Nicole Kidman as his adoptive mom, Sue.
At only five years old, Saroo Brierley got lost on a train in India. Unable to read or write or recall the name of his hometown or even his own last name, he survived alone for weeks on the rough streets of Calcutta before ultimately being transferred to an agency and adopted by a couple in Australia.
Despite his gratitude, Brierley always wondered about his origins. Eventually, with the advent of Google Earth, he had the opportunity to look for the needle in a haystack he once called home, and pore over satellite images for landmarks he might recognize or mathematical equations that might further narrow down the labyrinthine map of India. One day, after years of searching, he miraculously found what he was looking for and set off to find his family.
A Long Way Home (Film Lion) is a moving, poignant, and inspirational true story of survival and triumph against incredible odds. It celebrates the importance of never letting go of what drives the human spirit: hope.
The reunion with his biological mother heals his separation anxiety to make him feel whole. In addition, the mother also feeds her simple and pure faith into his son. She thanks God for protecting his son and bring him back to her. She asks for nothing from his son but wants him to have a good life. She refuses money from the media and keeps a simple life as always.
Another highpoint better presented in the movie is what the adoptive mother, Sue, indicated that she decided consciously to adopt rather than bear her own not because she is infertile but want to give a child the opportunity in life. This is worth noting.
The film – Lion is available in streaming platform such as Netflix, Prime, and Vudu.
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