Cassandra Naud – Beautiful Dancer Embraces Birthmark as Unique Individuality

Beautiful Professional Dancer – Cassandra Naud with Birthmark Celebrates her Individuality

While everyone else is worried about fitting in, Cassandra Naud is standing out and embracing her individuality — including her large facial birthmark! Read her inspiring story.

Professional dancer Cassandra Naud, 22, has refused to have plastic surgery to remove a giant birthmark on her face, choosing instead to embrace her individuality.

A girl born with a huge birthmark on her face was teased and bullied in school.

After years of bullying, aged 13, Cassandra told her mum that she wanted to remove her birthmark.

“My parents were shocked but understanding of my decision and immediately booked an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

“He explained the scarring I”d be left with and I immediately changed my mind. I figured it wouldn”t be worth it and told my mum that I”d prefer to keep my individuality.

“It was a moment of madness, but I”m so glad I made the decision to keep it.”

After high school, Cassandra studied dance theatre at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Los Angeles, California, where she starred in a production of musical, Cabaret.

Cassandra”s birthmark has not stopped her from finding love and is currently in a relationship with boyfriend Patrick Cook, 21, after meeting eight months ago in Los Angeles.

“We met at an audition for a dancing role and we”ve been inseparable ever since. He always tells me I”m beautiful.”

She is now keen to help others love themselves – exactly how they are.

“People should appreciate their individuality.

“Times are changing, so don”t worry about looking normal. Don”t let bullies stop you and be proud of your uniqueness.”

Read More:

Hollywood Life

Born to Stand Out

Express UK

Love Me. Love my birthmark

People Magazine


April, 2015